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20 records returned. Click the hyperlinks for detailed information.

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817 [LEPTOCUBA04]2024-04-17 13:13:34secY: new designation '127' (sequence bin scan)
secY: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216277; 18916-20298 (sequence bin scan)
13 [Jean-François Mariet]
817 [LEPTOCUBA04]2023-02-02 15:38:44host: 'Human' -> 'human'46 [Vallier SORDOILLET]
817 [LEPTOCUBA04]2022-12-03 08:23:26BACT000001: new designation '3812' (sequence bin scan)
BACT000001: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216340; 3291-4973 (sequence bin scan)
BACT000002: new designation '2874' (sequence bin scan)
BACT000002: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216339; 35321-36181 (sequence bin scan)
BACT000003: new designation '4048' (sequence bin scan)
BACT000003: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216277; 13106-13783 (sequence bin scan)
BACT000004: new designation '4237' (sequence bin scan)
BACT000004: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216277; 22017-22640 (sequence bin scan)
BACT000005: new designation '3938' (sequence bin scan)
BACT000005: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216277; 17644-18150 (sequence bin scan)
BACT000006: new designation '1961' (sequence bin scan)
BACT000006: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216236; 4767-5042 (sequence bin scan)
BACT000007: new designation '2038' (sequence bin scan)
BACT000007: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216327; 10465-10938 (sequence bin scan)
BACT000008: new designation '1886' (sequence bin scan)
BACT000008: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216277; 16303-16704 (sequence bin scan)
BACT000009: new designation '2129' (sequence bin scan)
BACT000009: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216327; 41669-42067 (sequence bin scan)
BACT000010: new designation '446' (sequence bin scan)
BACT000010: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216277; 9724-10032 (sequence bin scan)
BACT000011: new designation '3565' (sequence bin scan)
BACT000011: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216277; 21595-22005 (sequence bin scan)
BACT000012: new designation '1990' (sequence bin scan)
BACT000012: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216327; 10956-11330 (sequence bin scan)
BACT000013: new designation '1797' (sequence bin scan)
BACT000013: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216277; 21215-21592 (sequence bin scan)
BACT000014: new designation '423' (sequence bin scan)
BACT000014: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216277; 16098-16283 (sequence bin scan)
BACT000015: new designation '3575' (sequence bin scan)
BACT000015: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216249; 19113-19379 (sequence bin scan)
BACT000016: new designation '1803' (sequence bin scan)
BACT000016: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216343; 52276-52542 (sequence bin scan)
BACT000017: new designation '3272' (sequence bin scan)
BACT000017: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216277; 14510-14779 (sequence bin scan)
BACT000018: new designation '3226' (sequence bin scan)
BACT000018: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216236; 5497-5808 (sequence bin scan)
BACT000019: new designation '425' (sequence bin scan)
BACT000019: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216277; 12480-12761 (sequence bin scan)
BACT000020: new designation '3323' (sequence bin scan)
BACT000020: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216264; 27368-27640 (sequence bin scan)
BACT000021: new designation '1365' (sequence bin scan)
BACT000021: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216266; 18183-18392 (sequence bin scan)
BACT000030: new designation '2685' (sequence bin scan)
BACT000030: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216327; 20553-21245 (sequence bin scan)
BACT000031: new designation '2592' (sequence bin scan)
BACT000031: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216277; 11633-12472 (sequence bin scan)
BACT000032: new designation '2444' (sequence bin scan)
BACT000032: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216277; 10045-10665 (sequence bin scan)
BACT000033: new designation '4279' (sequence bin scan)
BACT000033: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216277; 10683-11318 (sequence bin scan)
BACT000034: new designation '3904' (sequence bin scan)
BACT000034: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216277; 15530-16078 (sequence bin scan)
BACT000035: new designation '2178' (sequence bin scan)
BACT000035: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216277; 16731-17270 (sequence bin scan)
BACT000036: new designation '2024' (sequence bin scan)
BACT000036: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216327; 19561-19941 (sequence bin scan)
BACT000038: new designation '2401' (sequence bin scan)
BACT000038: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216236; 5818-6267 (sequence bin scan)
BACT000039: new designation '3645' (sequence bin scan)
BACT000039: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216327; 19992-20525 (sequence bin scan)
BACT000040: new designation '2105' (sequence bin scan)
BACT000040: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216327; 21260-21688 (sequence bin scan)
BACT000042: new designation '2202' (sequence bin scan)
BACT000042: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216327; 42078-42527 (sequence bin scan)
BACT000043: new designation '1764' (sequence bin scan)
BACT000043: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216277; 14781-15173 (sequence bin scan)
BACT000044: new designation '2106' (sequence bin scan)
BACT000044: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216277; 18358-18900 (sequence bin scan)
BACT000045: new designation '1829' (sequence bin scan)
BACT000045: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216277; 13806-14219 (sequence bin scan)
BACT000046: new designation '3553' (sequence bin scan)
BACT000046: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216277; 23642-24139 (sequence bin scan)
BACT000047: new designation '1824' (sequence bin scan)
BACT000047: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216277; 17274-17642 (sequence bin scan)
BACT000048: new designation '2039' (sequence bin scan)
BACT000048: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216343; 50458-50868 (sequence bin scan)
BACT000049: new designation '2044' (sequence bin scan)
BACT000049: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216340; 17589-17942 (sequence bin scan)
BACT000050: new designation '1846' (sequence bin scan)
BACT000050: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216238; 92955-93269 (sequence bin scan)
BACT000051: new designation '1921' (sequence bin scan)
BACT000051: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216277; 12761-13093 (sequence bin scan)
BACT000052: new designation '1730' (sequence bin scan)
BACT000052: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216277; 11315-11629 (sequence bin scan)
BACT000053: new designation '1785' (sequence bin scan)
BACT000053: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216277; 15173-15526 (sequence bin scan)
BACT000056: new designation '1816' (sequence bin scan)
BACT000056: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216238; 92385-92639 (sequence bin scan)
BACT000057: new designation '1641' (sequence bin scan)
BACT000057: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216266; 79348-79632 (sequence bin scan)
BACT000058: new designation '1446' (sequence bin scan)
BACT000058: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216277; 14216-14500 (sequence bin scan)
BACT000059: new designation '1250' (sequence bin scan)
BACT000059: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216277; 18162-18341 (sequence bin scan)
BACT000060: new designation '1775' (sequence bin scan)
BACT000060: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216317; 26948-27151 (sequence bin scan)
BACT000061: new designation '1548' (sequence bin scan)
BACT000061: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216340; 1431-1631 (sequence bin scan)
BACT000062: new designation '1525' (sequence bin scan)
BACT000062: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216287; 35466-35630 (sequence bin scan)
BACT000063: new designation '421' (sequence bin scan)
BACT000063: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216260; 13765-13926 (sequence bin scan)
BACT000064: new designation '3063' (sequence bin scan)
BACT000064: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216340; 17942-18145 (sequence bin scan)
BACT000065: new designation '366' (sequence bin scan)
BACT000065: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216277; 21098-21211 (sequence bin scan)
-1 [Auto Tagger]
817 [LEPTOCUBA04]2021-09-10 14:30:11clade: '' -> 'P1'13 [Jean-François Mariet]
817 [LEPTOCUBA04]2020-11-10 16:26:52lfb1: new designation '10' (sequence bin scan)
lfb1: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216293; 33936-34222 (sequence bin scan)
-1 [Auto Tagger]
817 [LEPTOCUBA04]2019-12-17 16:55:3116S_borgpetersenii: new designation '3' (sequence bin scan)
16S_borgpetersenii: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216323; 7716-9220 (sequence bin scan)
3 [Julien Guglielmini]
817 [LEPTOCUBA04]2019-09-17 15:28:37secY_3: new designation '49' (sequence bin scan)
secY_3: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216277; 19765-20265 (sequence bin scan)
11 [Linda Grillová]
817 [LEPTOCUBA04]2019-08-12 12:09:53caiB_1: new designation '12' (sequence bin scan)
caiB_1: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216251; 5352-5753 (sequence bin scan)
glmU_1: new designation '24' (sequence bin scan)
glmU_1: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216278; 11871-12314 (sequence bin scan)
mreA_1: new designation '26' (sequence bin scan)
mreA_1: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216265; 9019-9453 (sequence bin scan)
pfkB_1: new designation '67' (sequence bin scan)
pfkB_1: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216288; 21926-22357 (sequence bin scan)
pntA_1: new designation '32' (sequence bin scan)
pntA_1: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216250; 43458-43982 (sequence bin scan)
sucA_1: new designation '30' (sequence bin scan)
sucA_1: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216340; 27105-27551 (sequence bin scan)
tpiA_1: new designation '36' (sequence bin scan)
tpiA_1: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216236; 26280-26705 (sequence bin scan)
11 [Linda Grillová]
817 [LEPTOCUBA04]2019-07-18 15:24:5116S_borgpetersenii: designation '2' deleted3 [Julien Guglielmini]
817 [LEPTOCUBA04]2019-07-17 16:16:3316S_borgpetersenii: new designation '2' (sequence bin scan)
16S_borgpetersenii: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216323; 7712-9223 (sequence bin scan)
-1 [Auto Tagger]
817 [LEPTOCUBA04]2019-07-17 15:48:3116S_borgpetersenii: designation '2' deleted3 [Julien Guglielmini]
817 [LEPTOCUBA04]2019-07-17 14:54:0416S_borgpetersenii: new designation '2' (sequence bin scan)-1 [Auto Tagger]
817 [LEPTOCUBA04]2019-07-17 14:23:1816S_borgpetersenii: designation '2' deleted3 [Julien Guglielmini]
817 [LEPTOCUBA04]2019-07-11 16:04:5416S_borgpetersenii: new designation '2' (sequence bin scan)
16S_borgpetersenii: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216323; 7712-9223 (sequence bin scan)
-1 [Auto Tagger]
817 [LEPTOCUBA04]2019-07-11 14:50:3416S_interrogans: designation '8' deleted3 [Julien Guglielmini]
817 [LEPTOCUBA04]2019-07-11 12:29:0616S_interrogans: new designation '8' (sequence bin scan)
16S_interrogans: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216323; 7712-9223 (sequence bin scan)
-1 [Auto Tagger]
817 [LEPTOCUBA04]2019-05-20 10:36:27new alias: '201900813'13 [Jean-François Mariet]
817 [LEPTOCUBA04]2019-05-17 15:07:31LIC_RS10345: new designation '257' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS10345: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216322; 8109-9416 (sequence bin scan)
13 [Jean-François Mariet]
817 [LEPTOCUBA04]2019-05-17 15:05:56LIC_RS00025: new designation '71' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS00025: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216320; 18431-20356 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS00030: new designation '71' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS00030: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216320; 15914-18412 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS00035: new designation '68' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS00035: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216320; 14961-15917 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS00095: new designation '68' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS00095: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216320; 6628-7371 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS00150: new designation '62' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS00150: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216250; 62344-63192 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS00160: new designation '70' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS00160: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216250; 58887-60863 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS00205: new designation '66' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS00205: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216250; 49958-50926 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS00245: new designation '70' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS00245: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216250; 41287-42606 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS00260: new designation '8' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS00260: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216250; 37131-37973 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS00335: new designation '7' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS00335: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216250; 17170-17691 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS00340: new designation '67' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS00340: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216250; 16387-17169 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS00355: new designation '6' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS00355: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216250; 14777-15145 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS00380: new designation '66' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS00380: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216250; 9264-10109 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS00385: new designation '63' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS00385: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216250; 8553-9257 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS00525: new designation '69' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS00525: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216325; 20055-21119 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS00575: new designation '57' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS00575: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216325; 12332-12952 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS00580: new designation '7' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS00580: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216325; 11703-12335 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS00585: new designation '7' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS00585: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216325; 10981-11706 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS00625: new designation '57' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS00625: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216296; 9949-10905 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS00655: new designation '64' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS00655: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216296; 256-1194 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS00725: new designation '68' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS00725: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216260; 3644-5101 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS00810: new designation '58' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS00810: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216260; 16389-17099 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS00815: new designation '72' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS00815: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216260; 17092-18462 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS01005: new designation '12' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS01005: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216260; 28571-29557 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS01070: new designation '63' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS01070: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216229; 38276-39145 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS01090: new designation '67' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS01090: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216229; 35021-36022 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS01095: new designation '8' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS01095: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216229; 33407-35011 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS01150: new designation '70' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS01150: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216229; 18951-22481 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS01160: new designation '8' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS01160: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216229; 17097-17996 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS01205: new designation '8' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS01205: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216229; 7760-9133 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS01210: new designation '62' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS01210: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216229; 7084-7758 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS01375: new designation '58' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS01375: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216264; 15433-16098 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS01380: new designation '66' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS01380: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216264; 14375-15433 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS01395: new designation '7' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS01395: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216264; 10200-12320 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS01435: new designation '62' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS01435: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216264; 5577-6341 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS01495: new designation '5' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS01495: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216239; 15118-15402 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS01500: new designation '66' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS01500: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216239; 15407-16807 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS01545: new designation '7' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS01545: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216330; 24995-25378 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS01550: new designation '6' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS01550: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216330; 24531-24992 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS01555: new designation '6' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS01555: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216330; 24034-24465 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS01605: new designation '72' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS01605: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216330; 4248-7148 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS01610: new designation '58' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS01610: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216330; 3825-4217 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS01635: new designation '67' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS01635: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216330; 27418-28545 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS01645: new designation '6' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS01645: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216330; 29286-29723 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS01660: new designation '5' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS01660: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216330; 31882-32076 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS01680: new designation '63' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS01680: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216330; 35793-36767 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS01690: new designation '68' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS01690: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216330; 37934-39070 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS01745: new designation '70' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS01745: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216229; 885-2201 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS01760: new designation '71' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS01760: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216229; 3434-5977 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS01850: new designation '10' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS01850: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216271; 30003-30971 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS01855: new designation '72' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS01855: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216271; 28186-30006 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS01860: new designation '57' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS01860: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216271; 27587-28180 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS01865: new designation '8' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS01865: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216271; 26397-27356 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS01870: new designation '58' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS01870: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216271; 25623-26384 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS02025: new designation '7' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS02025: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216336; 5105-5275 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS02030: new designation '70' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS02030: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216336; 3097-5040 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS02035: new designation '7' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS02035: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216336; 2648-2983 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS02110: new designation '7' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS02110: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216238; 103236-103697 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS02115: new designation '7' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS02115: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216238; 103698-104114 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS02120: new designation '75' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS02120: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216238; 104107-106173 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS02240: new designation '71' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS02240: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216278; 12521-13459 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS02250: new designation '6' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS02250: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216278; 14161-14724 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS02255: new designation '75' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS02255: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216278; 14880-16838 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS02310: new designation '62' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS02310: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216264; 21341-22951 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS02315: new designation '64' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS02315: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216264; 22968-24014 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS02325: new designation '73' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS02325: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216264; 25857-27239 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS02350: new designation '60' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS02350: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216264; 29289-30086 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS02365: new designation '60' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS02365: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216238; 5714-6493 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS02455: new designation '12' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS02455: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216303; 8039-9319 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS02460: new designation '70' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS02460: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216303; 5386-8049 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS02515: new designation '8' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS02515: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216238; 28023-29366 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS02520: new designation '6' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS02520: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216238; 29463-30188 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS02715: new designation '56' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS02715: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216304; 29058-29606 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS02720: new designation '60' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS02720: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216304; 28066-29034 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS02725: new designation '64' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS02725: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216304; 26650-27765 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS02730: new designation '68' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS02730: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216304; 24265-26202 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS02740: new designation '8' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS02740: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216304; 22535-23563 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS02770: new designation '70' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS02770: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216276; 9509-11398 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS02780: new designation '70' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS02780: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216276; 5552-7978 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS03010: new designation '68' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS03010: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216229; 105155-107053 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS03035: new designation '67' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS03035: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216238; 8760-11525 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS03110: new designation '6' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS03110: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216239; 110197-110613 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS03210: new designation '7' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS03210: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216264; 59575-59799 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS03215: new designation '8' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS03215: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216264; 58786-59568 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS03220: new designation '8' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS03220: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216264; 57943-58770 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS03225: new designation '8' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS03225: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216264; 57377-57901 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS03230: new designation '69' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS03230: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216264; 56637-57377 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS03235: new designation '48' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS03235: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216264; 55767-56105 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS03270: new designation '6' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS03270: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216261; 37005-37316 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS03275: new designation '7' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS03275: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216261; 37322-38563 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS03500: new designation '66' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS03500: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216317; 61850-62980 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS03505: new designation '65' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS03505: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216317; 60993-61853 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS03510: new designation '7' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS03510: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216317; 60769-61017 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS03515: new designation '7' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS03515: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216317; 60113-60772 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS03700: new designation '69' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS03700: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216328; 16477-17889 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS03705: new designation '68' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS03705: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216328; 14322-16460 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS03820: new designation '6' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS03820: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216278; 3852-4943 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS03870: new designation '49' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS03870: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216327; 21721-22266 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS03900: new designation '74' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS03900: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216327; 11418-15632 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS03955: new designation '67' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS03955: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216327; 38759-41581 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS03960: new designation '51' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS03960: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216327; 38271-38762 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS03980: new designation '65' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS03980: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216327; 33676-35250 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS03990: new designation '62' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS03990: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216327; 31267-32094 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS04060: new designation '53' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS04060: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216317; 56465-57184 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS04065: new designation '59' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS04065: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216317; 55491-56441 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS04070: new designation '65' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS04070: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216317; 52491-55274 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS04145: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216261; 5962-7003 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS04340: new designation '68' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS04340: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216339; 40157-41080 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS04345: new designation '68' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS04345: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216339; 39345-40154 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS04350: new designation '66' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS04350: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216339; 38508-39329 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS04360: new designation '6' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS04360: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216339; 37079-37453 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS04365: new designation '7' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS04365: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216339; 36854-37075 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS04370: new designation '7' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS04370: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216339; 36468-36845 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS04375: new designation '4' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS04375: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216339; 36185-36445 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS04385: new designation '8' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS04385: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216339; 34708-35307 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS04395: new designation '57' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS04395: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216339; 33420-33974 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS04400: new designation '10' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS04400: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216339; 32693-33418 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS04405: new designation '9' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS04405: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216339; 31786-32700 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS04410: new designation '7' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS04410: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216339; 30610-31779 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS04415: new designation '70' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS04415: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216339; 28889-30616 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS04420: new designation '73' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS04420: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216339; 27154-28884 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS04425: new designation '68' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS04425: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216339; 25949-27151 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS04430: new designation '58' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS04430: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216339; 25158-25952 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS04440: new designation '68' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS04440: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216339; 22163-24475 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS04445: new designation '69' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS04445: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216339; 20227-22134 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS04450: new designation '10' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS04450: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216339; 19715-20185 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS04520: new designation '68' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS04520: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216302; 27395-30460 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS04525: new designation '66' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS04525: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216302; 26002-27375 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS04530: new designation '66' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS04530: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216302; 25451-26002 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS04540: new designation '67' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS04540: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216302; 23519-24742 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS04600: new designation '4' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS04600: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216317; 40948-41367 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS04605: new designation '51' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS04605: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216317; 40526-40945 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS04720: new designation '59' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS04720: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216278; 46840-47799 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS05180: new designation '5' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS05180: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216332; 8417-8752 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS05185: new designation '9' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS05185: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216332; 7223-8347 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS05190: new designation '8' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS05190: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216332; 6744-7226 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS05225: new designation '70' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS05225: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216332; 12317-14341 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS05230: new designation '65' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS05230: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216332; 14355-16157 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS05300: new designation '5' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS05300: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216345; 33737-34078 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS05355: new designation '69' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS05355: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216345; 46625-47788 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS05360: new designation '12' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS05360: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216345; 47823-49127 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS05500: new designation '67' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS05500: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216290; 6732-7748 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS05505: new designation '63' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS05505: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216290; 7802-9271 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS05530: new designation '7' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS05530: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216339; 7064-8230 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS05535: new designation '6' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS05535: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216339; 6662-6985 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS05555: new designation '71' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS05555: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216339; 2344-4278 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS05725: new designation '9' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS05725: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216338; 9358-10272 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS05750: new designation '58' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS05750: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216338; 4444-5295 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS05845: new designation '62' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS05845: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216345; 55300-56205 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS05850: new designation '7' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS05850: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216345; 56208-57017 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS05855: new designation '60' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS05855: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216345; 57019-58128 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS05875: new designation '68' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS05875: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216345; 61357-63306 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS05880: new designation '7' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS05880: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216345; 63420-64058 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS05885: new designation '69' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS05885: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216345; 64055-65434 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS06005: new designation '62' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS06005: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216262; 15050-15793 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS06015: new designation '64' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS06015: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216262; 17025-17537 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS06110: new designation '66' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS06110: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216337; 23223-24617 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS06115: new designation '68' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS06115: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216337; 21079-23061 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS06140: new designation '59' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS06140: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216262; 25392-26384 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS06340: new designation '8' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS06340: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216333; 18235-19044 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS06370: new designation '7' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS06370: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216333; 12875-13177 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS06375: new designation '53' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS06375: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216333; 12350-12871 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS06385: new designation '8' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS06385: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216333; 10284-11795 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS06390: new designation '7' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS06390: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216333; 9409-10269 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS06395: new designation '71' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS06395: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216333; 7980-9383 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS06470: new designation '66' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS06470: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216265; 15098-16660 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS06475: new designation '8' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS06475: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216265; 13885-14907 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS06480: new designation '70' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS06480: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216265; 12707-13813 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS06485: new designation '61' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS06485: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216265; 12195-12707 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS06490: new designation '70' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS06490: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216265; 10247-12193 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS06510: new designation '6' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS06510: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216265; 6211-6438 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS06535: new designation '6' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS06535: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216233; 62922-64214 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS06550: new designation '65' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS06550: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216233; 60426-61307 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS06555: new designation '67' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS06555: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216233; 59177-60280 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS06700: new designation '7' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS06700: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216262; 42552-43226 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS06705: new designation '70' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS06705: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216262; 43322-44584 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS06740: new designation '6' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS06740: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216333; 56632-57099 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS06745: new designation '8' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS06745: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216333; 55367-56485 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS06815: new designation '61' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS06815: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216342; 30379-30867 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS06825: new designation '67' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS06825: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216342; 26904-27791 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS06850: new designation '58' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS06850: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216342; 15838-17478 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS06855: new designation '42' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS06855: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216342; 15534-15824 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS06950: new designation '66' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS06950: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216322; 1553-2818 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07020: new designation '8' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07020: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216324; 31363-31698 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07025: new designation '62' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07025: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216324; 30070-31131 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07035: new designation '66' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07035: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216324; 28435-29223 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07040: new designation '6' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07040: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216324; 28175-28438 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07045: new designation '7' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07045: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216324; 27389-28168 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07055: new designation '69' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07055: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216324; 23730-25847 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07060: new designation '66' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07060: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216324; 22377-23678 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07075: new designation '6' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07075: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216324; 20003-20803 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07080: new designation '11' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07080: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216324; 17992-19977 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07095: new designation '5' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07095: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216324; 16102-16383 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07115: new designation '5' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07115: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216342; 6541-7188 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07125: new designation '70' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07125: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216342; 4448-5812 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07180: new designation '58' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07180: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216318; 6282-8396 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07190: new designation '67' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07190: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216318; 8631-9923 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07195: new designation '66' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07195: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216318; 10084-12087 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07200: new designation '7' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07200: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216318; 12305-12574 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07210: new designation '71' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07210: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216318; 15924-17030 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07215: new designation '71' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07215: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216318; 17479-19188 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07220: new designation '7' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07220: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216318; 19185-19670 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07240: new designation '7' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07240: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216318; 21958-23697 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07260: new designation '62' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07260: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216318; 25926-26519 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07265: new designation '64' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07265: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216318; 26536-27798 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07445: new designation '66' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07445: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216322; 30601-31965 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07450: new designation '66' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07450: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216322; 29738-30595 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07455: new designation '65' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07455: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216322; 26211-29741 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07470: new designation '64' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07470: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216322; 21590-24574 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07475: new designation '7' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07475: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216322; 20173-21588 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07480: new designation '7' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07480: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216322; 19855-20145 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07485: new designation '67' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07485: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216322; 18401-19858 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07490: new designation '61' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07490: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216322; 17634-18404 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07580: new designation '64' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07580: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216343; 101992-102888 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07640: new designation '6' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07640: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216343; 84484-85236 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07680: new designation '6' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07680: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216343; 74551-74745 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07685: new designation '64' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07685: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216343; 73786-74544 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07745: new designation '56' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07745: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216323; 15871-16407 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07760: new designation '50' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07760: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216323; 16945-17253 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07775: new designation '65' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07775: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216323; 20478-22130 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07780: new designation '66' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07780: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216323; 22136-24883 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07795: new designation '60' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07795: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216323; 25022-26068 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07805: new designation '55' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07805: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216323; 26559-27071 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07825: new designation '5' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07825: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216323; 32596-32958 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07855: new designation '62' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07855: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216323; 45812-46663 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07865: new designation '64' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07865: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216323; 46991-47542 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07890: new designation '60' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07890: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216343; 69181-69657 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07895: new designation '8' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07895: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216343; 67457-69079 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07900: new designation '60' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07900: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216343; 66597-67460 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07915: new designation '8' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07915: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216343; 63905-64630 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07920: new designation '63' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07920: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216343; 62487-63908 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07925: new designation '7' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07925: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216343; 61527-62483 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07930: new designation '6' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07930: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216343; 61283-61546 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07935: new designation '68' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07935: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216343; 59479-61269 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07940: new designation '67' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07940: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216343; 58132-59472 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07965: new designation '59' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07965: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216343; 52772-53416 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07985: new designation '60' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS07985: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216343; 50865-51533 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS08040: new designation '60' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS08040: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216343; 42619-43524 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS08045: new designation '67' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS08045: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216343; 40818-42614 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS08050: new designation '66' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS08050: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216343; 39141-40814 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS08055: new designation '67' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS08055: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216343; 37910-39136 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS08060: new designation '58' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS08060: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216343; 37411-37887 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS08090: new designation '60' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS08090: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216343; 32204-32731 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS08145: new designation '66' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS08145: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216343; 20353-21621 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS08150: new designation '65' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS08150: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216343; 19219-20346 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS08175: new designation '74' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS08175: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216343; 13946-15496 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS08180: new designation '6' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS08180: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216343; 13389-13958 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS08190: new designation '57' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS08190: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216343; 11893-12435 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS08210: new designation '61' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS08210: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216343; 7674-8504 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS08220: new designation '62' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS08220: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216343; 6477-7355 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS08225: new designation '67' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS08225: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216343; 5432-6475 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS08230: new designation '62' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS08230: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216343; 4696-5385 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS08265: new designation '74' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS08265: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216254; 18569-20326 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS08270: new designation '62' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS08270: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216254; 17580-18554 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS08280: new designation '6' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS08280: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216254; 16323-17093 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS08300: new designation '64' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS08300: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216254; 12595-13200 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS08305: new designation '49' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS08305: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216254; 12143-12592 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS08345: new designation '69' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS08345: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216254; 1036-3081 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS08405: new designation '61' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS08405: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216263; 16935-18101 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS08445: new designation '8' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS08445: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216263; 11457-12107 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS08460: new designation '67' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS08460: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216263; 8334-9869 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS08465: new designation '7' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS08465: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216263; 7704-8330 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS08470: new designation '8' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS08470: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216263; 6959-7402 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS08500: new designation '61' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS08500: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216263; 3092-4237 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS08660: new designation '63' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS08660: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216266; 9300-10517 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS08675: new designation '69' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS08675: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216266; 14088-15845 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS08685: new designation '6' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS08685: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216266; 17679-18125 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS08735: new designation '64' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS08735: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216266; 26177-27568 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS08760: new designation '67' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS08760: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216247; 27730-30636 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS08930: new designation '8' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS08930: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216266; 64423-65025 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS08935: new designation '7' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS08935: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216266; 65022-66083 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS08940: new designation '65' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS08940: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216266; 67960-69270 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09020: new designation '73' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09020: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216315; 3673-4893 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09025: new designation '64' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09025: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216315; 4911-5987 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09030: new designation '54' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09030: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216315; 6004-6411 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09065: new designation '6' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09065: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216315; 12020-12196 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09070: new designation '7' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09070: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216315; 12567-13631 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09090: new designation '8' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09090: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216315; 16786-17766 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09105: new designation '62' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09105: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216315; 19427-20074 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09130: new designation '64' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09130: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216315; 24641-25858 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09135: new designation '68' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09135: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216315; 25924-27633 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09145: new designation '71' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09145: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216315; 28903-29895 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09150: new designation '65' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09150: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216315; 29935-31356 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09175: new designation '70' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09175: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216315; 34620-36110 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09200: new designation '63' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09200: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216315; 39891-40808 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09205: new designation '68' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09205: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216315; 40805-41578 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09215: new designation '4' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09215: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216315; 41956-42183 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09225: new designation '52' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09225: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216315; 42497-42745 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09230: new designation '71' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09230: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216315; 42742-43773 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09245: new designation '70' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09245: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216315; 47074-49305 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09250: new designation '6' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09250: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216315; 49302-49628 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09280: new designation '69' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09280: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216275; 24580-25581 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09290: new designation '8' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09290: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216275; 22524-23921 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09305: new designation '7' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09305: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216275; 19526-20113 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09350: new designation '6' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09350: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216275; 11869-12135 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09365: new designation '10' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09365: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216275; 8774-9799 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09380: new designation '65' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09380: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216275; 6238-7113 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09385: new designation '72' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09385: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216275; 4829-6241 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09400: new designation '65' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09400: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216275; 2811-3758 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09405: new designation '70' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09405: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216275; 1877-2809 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09415: new designation '62' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09415: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216273; 118892-120190 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09420: new designation '8' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09420: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216273; 117925-118755 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09450: new designation '54' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09450: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216273; 112637-113254 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09460: new designation '62' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09460: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216273; 110137-111666 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09465: new designation '68' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09465: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216273; 109361-110140 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09470: new designation '62' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09470: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216273; 108593-109357 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09475: new designation '60' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09475: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216273; 107812-108561 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09535: new designation '7' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09535: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216304; 85726-86598 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09545: new designation '59' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09545: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216304; 87064-87813 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09590: new designation '64' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09590: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216273; 103021-103872 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09600: new designation '66' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09600: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216273; 101119-102381 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09605: new designation '65' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09605: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216273; 99811-101049 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09675: new designation '71' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09675: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216273; 86623-87597 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09685: new designation '7' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09685: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216273; 84169-85179 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09785: new designation '68' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09785: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216273; 63636-64418 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09790: new designation '70' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09790: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216273; 62108-63634 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09905: new designation '68' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09905: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216273; 34342-35739 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09920: new designation '66' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09920: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216273; 30455-33169 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09925: new designation '7' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09925: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216273; 29588-30340 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09940: new designation '7' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09940: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216273; 27657-28214 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09945: new designation '61' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09945: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216273; 26633-27655 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09955: new designation '8' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS09955: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216273; 25655-26248 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS10065: new designation '56' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS10065: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216273; 14458-15030 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS10090: new designation '6' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS10090: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216273; 9437-10567 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS10095: new designation '70' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS10095: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216273; 7262-9421 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS10100: new designation '6' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS10100: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216273; 6924-7238 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS10215: new designation '6' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS10215: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216230; 7991-8671 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS10220: new designation '71' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS10220: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216230; 8690-10603 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS10265: new designation '68' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS10265: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216230; 13998-15803 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS10315: new designation '67' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS10315: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216324; 12623-14599 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS10350: new designation '66' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS10350: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216322; 9498-10352 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS10355: new designation '61' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS10355: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216322; 10368-11333 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS10360: new designation '68' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS10360: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216322; 11330-12754 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS10365: new designation '25' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS10365: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216322; 12844-13500 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS10590: new designation '55' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS10590: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216236; 43231-43764 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS10595: new designation '57' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS10595: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216236; 42868-43218 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS10670: new designation '63' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS10670: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216236; 28267-29274 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS10675: new designation '72' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS10675: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216236; 27073-28263 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS10705: new designation '66' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS10705: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216236; 23633-24766 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS10710: new designation '61' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS10710: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216236; 22641-23633 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS10755: new designation '70' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS10755: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216236; 10412-12832 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS10765: new designation '67' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS10765: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216236; 7611-9425 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS10770: new designation '69' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS10770: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216236; 6283-7611 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS10785: new designation '52' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS10785: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216236; 5035-5484 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS11310: new designation '68' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS11310: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216233; 22791-23807 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS11320: new designation '70' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS11320: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216233; 24167-26173 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS11445: new designation '56' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS11445: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216233; 39074-39538 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS11460: new designation '65' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS11460: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216233; 40508-41569 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS11470: new designation '42' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS11470: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216233; 42447-42695 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS11495: new designation '71' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS11495: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216233; 45980-47797 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS11500: new designation '66' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS11500: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216233; 47799-49397 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS11590: new designation '71' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS11590: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216333; 99136-101418 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS11595: new designation '67' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS11595: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216333; 101435-102571 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS11625: new designation '57' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS11625: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216272; 16730-17398 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS11760: new designation '8' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS11760: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216290; 16670-17434 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS11765: new designation '63' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS11765: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216290; 15657-16673 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS11770: new designation '64' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS11770: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216290; 14264-15652 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS11780: new designation '61' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS11780: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216290; 13334-13945 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS11785: new designation '65' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS11785: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216340; 38839-40017 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS11805: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216280; 61690-63350 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS11815: new designation '9' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS11815: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216280; 63892-64557 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS11825: new designation '7' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS11825: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216280; 65447-65797 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS12210: new designation '7' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS12210: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216252; 7627-8175 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS12250: new designation '66' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS12250: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216252; 13608-15449 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS12300: new designation '62' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS12300: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216333; 22805-24226 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS12325: new designation '62' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS12325: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216333; 26502-29294 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS12330: new designation '68' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS12330: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216333; 29367-31199 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS12375: new designation '59' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS12375: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216333; 40167-41279 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS12485: new designation '6' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS12485: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216340; 418-1425 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS12500: new designation '7' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS12500: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216340; 1905-2522 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS12530: new designation '64' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS12530: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216340; 7926-9017 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS12540: new designation '54' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS12540: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216340; 9540-10325 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS12545: new designation '6' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS12545: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216340; 10342-10704 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS12550: new designation '7' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS12550: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216340; 10706-11773 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS12555: new designation '68' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS12555: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216340; 11779-14973 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS12560: new designation '57' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS12560: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216340; 14973-15470 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS12660: new designation '70' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS12660: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216340; 28291-29694 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS12665: new designation '9' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS12665: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216340; 29708-30946 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS12675: new designation '66' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS12675: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216340; 33484-34440 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS12680: new designation '66' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS12680: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216340; 34547-35365 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS12770: new designation '8' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS12770: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216339; 47405-48178 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS12935: new designation '61' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS12935: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216280; 24675-25745 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS12945: new designation '8' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS12945: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216280; 26584-27420 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS12980: new designation '60' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS12980: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216280; 31031-31627 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS12990: new designation '65' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS12990: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216280; 32910-33848 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS12995: new designation '68' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS12995: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216280; 33851-35806 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS13010: new designation '70' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS13010: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216280; 36977-37987 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS13015: new designation '62' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS13015: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216280; 37962-38708 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS13020: new designation '72' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS13020: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216280; 38705-40024 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS13025: new designation '69' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS13025: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216280; 40030-41148 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS13135: new designation '66' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS13135: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216312; 202-2214 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS13145: new designation '65' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS13145: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216312; 3623-4900 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS13170: new designation '64' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS13170: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216268; 9799-11148 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS13185: new designation '67' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS13185: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216252; 23186-24358 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS13190: new designation '8' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS13190: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216252; 24371-25246 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS13195: new designation '71' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS13195: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216252; 25468-27042 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS13210: new designation '55' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS13210: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216252; 28776-29624 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS13265: new designation '6' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS13265: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216345; 21190-22446 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS13405: new designation '68' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS13405: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216293; 27625-28893 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS13420: new designation '6' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS13420: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216293; 23476-23886 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS13425: new designation '66' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS13425: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216293; 22306-23424 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS13470: new designation '61' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS13470: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216293; 15936-16784 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS13500: new designation '70' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS13500: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216317; 25482-26927 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS13510: new designation '7' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS13510: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216317; 27208-27999 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS13515: new designation '8' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS13515: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216317; 29233-29421 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS13755: new designation '12' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS13755: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216317; 82416-83177 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS13760: new designation '68' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS13760: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216317; 81484-82419 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS13855: new designation '70' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS13855: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216249; 17026-19116 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS13880: new designation '7' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS13880: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216249; 23406-24794 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS13970: new designation '59' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS13970: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216300; 5481-6767 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS13975: new designation '54' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS13975: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216300; 7291-7818 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS13980: new designation '8' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS13980: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216300; 7818-8618 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS14070: new designation '6' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS14070: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216304; 101560-102120 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS14075: new designation '72' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS14075: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216304; 102117-102650 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS14080: new designation '73' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS14080: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216304; 102652-103869 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS14085: new designation '64' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS14085: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216304; 103869-104348 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS14090: new designation '71' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS14090: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216304; 104364-105698 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS14095: new designation '66' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS14095: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216304; 105695-106735 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS14110: new designation '70' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS14110: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216304; 107760-109706 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS14115: new designation '70' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS14115: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216304; 109708-111405 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS14120: new designation '66' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS14120: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216304; 111402-112880 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS14230: new designation '61' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS14230: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216238; 88783-90033 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS14300: new designation '65' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS14300: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216337; 17854-18612 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS14305: new designation '6' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS14305: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216337; 18620-18952 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS14425: new designation '8' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS14425: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216337; 47278-48195 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS14430: new designation '68' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS14430: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216337; 48170-49195 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS14485: new designation '57' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS14485: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216337; 55480-55920 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS14490: new designation '8' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS14490: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216337; 56034-56801 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS14520: new designation '70' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS14520: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216337; 62145-63434 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS14530: new designation '42' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS14530: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216337; 64938-65870 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS14570: new designation '8' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS14570: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216317; 20881-21807 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS14615: new designation '68' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS14615: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216277; 22663-23640 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS14735: new designation '8' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS14735: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216277; 11633-12472 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS14760: new designation '72' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS14760: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216277; 8505-9710 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS15120: new designation '73' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS15120: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216341; 8133-10133 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS15130: new designation '5' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS15130: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216341; 10853-11314 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS15195: new designation '67' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS15195: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216328; 8113-9006 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS15200: new designation '9' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS15200: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216328; 9009-9470 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS15215: new designation '6' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS15215: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216328; 11601-11882 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS15220: new designation '66' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS15220: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216328; 12145-13698 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS15250: new designation '61' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS15250: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216264; 71603-72577 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS15275: new designation '66' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS15275: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216264; 74861-76066 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS15280: new designation '65' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS15280: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216264; 76092-77321 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS15510: new designation '9' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS15510: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216284; 30580-31596 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS15535: new designation '58' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS15535: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216302; 18104-18790 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS15540: new designation '66' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS15540: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216302; 10909-13434 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS15925: new designation '63' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS15925: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216238; 82158-82910 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS15980: new designation '7' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS15980: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216289; 29371-30708 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS16170: new designation '64' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS16170: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216232; 2526-3074 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS16175: new designation '68' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS16175: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216232; 3088-4422 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS16195: new designation '8' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS16195: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216232; 9164-10165 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS16225: new designation '56' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS16225: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216304; 1811-2782 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS16230: new designation '66' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS16230: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216304; 2779-3558 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS16285: new designation '64' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS16285: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216264; 48603-49460 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS16320: new designation '7' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS16320: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216304; 7274-8644 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS16350: new designation '5' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS16350: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216304; 12217-12504 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS16505: new designation '62' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS16505: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216239; 98884-99537 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS16515: new designation '67' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS16515: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216239; 97165-98502 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS16565: new designation '66' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS16565: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216239; 88897-91305 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS16570: new designation '73' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS16570: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216239; 85968-88823 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS16780: new designation '75' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS16780: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216239; 46850-48322 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS16785: new designation '8' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS16785: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216239; 45643-46809 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS16800: new designation '5' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS16800: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216239; 44052-44444 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS16825: new designation '55' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS16825: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216239; 40320-41711 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS16830: new designation '69' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS16830: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216239; 39099-40256 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS16895: new designation '8' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS16895: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216239; 27024-27995 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS16975: new designation '69' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS16975: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216336; 55850-57160 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS16980: new designation '70' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS16980: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216336; 54563-55828 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS17045: new designation '62' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS17045: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216336; 48085-49482 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS17065: new designation '6' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS17065: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216336; 43595-44323 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS17070: new designation '66' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS17070: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216336; 42635-43588 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS17110: new designation '7' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS17110: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216336; 36206-36688 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS17115: new designation '7' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS17115: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216336; 35783-36196 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS17180: new designation '69' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS17180: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216229; 49366-50094 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS17185: new designation '58' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS17185: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216229; 50091-50741 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS17210: new designation '62' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS17210: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216229; 53530-55095 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS17225: new designation '68' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS17225: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216229; 56211-57599 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS17230: new designation '7' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS17230: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216229; 57596-59731 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS17340: new designation '71' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS17340: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216229; 84733-85983 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS17345: new designation '69' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS17345: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216229; 85983-86900 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS17350: new designation '62' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS17350: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216229; 86897-87634 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS17405: new designation '9' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS17405: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216336; 61041-62051 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS17410: new designation '7' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS17410: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216336; 62048-63091 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS17415: new designation '65' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS17415: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216336; 63088-64077 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS17420: new designation '64' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS17420: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216336; 64094-65056 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS17445: new designation '4' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS17445: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216336; 69455-69691 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS17510: new designation '69' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS17510: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216228; 25603-27567 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS17735: new designation '6' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS17735: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216228; 57956-58210 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS17740: new designation '6' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS17740: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216228; 58211-58663 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS17745: new designation '66' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS17745: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216228; 58878-60146 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS17750: new designation '73' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS17750: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216228; 60183-62093 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS17790: new designation '61' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS17790: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216320; 59798-60127 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS17860: new designation '68' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS17860: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216320; 49522-51051 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS17865: new designation '53' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS17865: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216320; 49170-49517 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS17870: new designation '10' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS17870: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216320; 48584-49222 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS17875: new designation '77' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS17875: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216320; 47007-48581 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS17880: new designation '69' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS17880: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216320; 46161-47003 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS17890: new designation '67' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS17890: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216320; 42805-44058 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS17895: new designation '70' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS17895: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216320; 42003-42812 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS17900: new designation '66' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS17900: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216320; 40861-41880 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS17905: new designation '7' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS17905: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216320; 40513-40860 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS17930: new designation '68' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS17930: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216320; 37127-38002 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS17935: new designation '8' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS17935: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216320; 36363-37124 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS17965: new designation '71' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS17965: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216320; 27767-29674 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS17970: new designation '67' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS17970: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216320; 26702-27625 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS18020: new designation '64' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS18020: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216243; 51879-52832 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS18025: new designation '8' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS18025: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216243; 50557-51882 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS18040: new designation '70' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS18040: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216243; 47946-48968 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS18045: new designation '67' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS18045: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216243; 46600-47949 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS18075: new designation '63' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS18075: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216243; 40819-41736 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS18080: new designation '59' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS18080: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216243; 40119-40826 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS18115: new designation '8' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS18115: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216243; 34177-35445 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS18170: new designation '61' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS18170: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216243; 24555-25544 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS18185: new designation '9' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS18185: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216243; 21918-22856 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS18205: new designation '63' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS18205: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216243; 16741-18552 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS18310: new designation '59' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS18310: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216339; 12707-13471 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS18315: new designation '5' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS18315: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216339; 11840-12073 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS18330: new designation '7' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS18330: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216339; 9133-10224 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS18335: new designation '63' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS18335: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216339; 8252-9133 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS18410: new designation '70' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS18410: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216329; 16964-18274 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS18435: new designation '69' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS18435: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216329; 9725-11059 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS18440: new designation '61' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS18440: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216329; 7862-9610 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS18445: new designation '59' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS18445: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216329; 6787-7698 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS18490: new designation '6' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS18490: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216270; 5528-6067 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS18495: new designation '64' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS18495: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216270; 4680-5531 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS18505: new designation '67' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS18505: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216270; 2766-3992 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS18565: new designation '52' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS18565: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216245; 44822-45373 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS18695: new designation '6' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS18695: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216255; 7392-9284 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS18700: new designation '13' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS18700: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216255; 6917-7399 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS18705: new designation '70' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS18705: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216255; 5310-6920 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS18710: new designation '68' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS18710: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216255; 4192-5079 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS18835: new designation '8' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS18835: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216287; 21804-23219 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS19060: new designation '64' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS19060: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216287; 44921-47119 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS19065: new designation '7' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS19065: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216287; 47127-48179 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS19220: new designation '67' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS19220: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216245; 19412-20254 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS19290: new designation '67' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS19290: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216245; 2198-3145 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS19305: new designation '9' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS19305: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216245; 442-1167 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS19340: new designation '5' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS19340: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216279; 2677-2955 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS19375: new designation '8' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS19375: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216256; 18517-19971 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS19385: new designation '58' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS19385: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216256; 15458-16507 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS19420: new designation '58' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS19420: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216256; 6009-7019 (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS19435: new designation '12' (sequence bin scan)
LIC_RS19435: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216256; 2815-3660 (sequence bin scan)
x_1: new designation '6' (sequence bin scan)
x_1: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216317; 16951-18942 (sequence bin scan)
x_2: new designation '63' (sequence bin scan)
x_2: sequence tagged. Seqbin id: 216249; 7831-9141 (sequence bin scan)
13 [Jean-François Mariet]
817 [LEPTOCUBA04]2019-05-17 10:11:21Isolate record added13 [Jean-François Mariet]