The BIGSdb website Policy concerning the platform & data use agreement and the privacy notice of BIGSdb-Pasteur was updated on March 25, 2024. Please consult it before using the platform and the data.
The procedure for submitting data for curation were updated on Mai 03, 2024. Please consult them before making a new submission. If any questions, contact us.
Hoefer et al. has been published in medRxiv!
Large-scale Corynebacterium diphtheriae outbreak among migrant populations in Europe - phenotypic and genomic analysis -A pan-European consortium was created to assess the clinical, epidemiological and microbiological features of this outbreak - BIGSdb Corynebacterium diphtheriae complex was used for sharing data between collaborators and analysing genome data.
The isolate-genome collection is avavailable in BIGSdb@Pasteur and accessible at the public project 2022_EuropeanWideReemergence_collection