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Browsing all records.

269 records returned (1 - 25 displayed). Click the hyperlinks for detailed information.

profile_id lmo0737 lmo1118 ORF2110 ORF2819 prs (lmo0199) serogroup
1 10001IIa
2 10003IIa
3 10005IIa
4 20001IIa
5 30001IIa
6 30003IIa
7 30005IIa
8 300024IIa
9 40003IIa
10 50001IIa
11 500016IIa
12 60001IIa
13 80001IIa
14 90001IIa
15 100001IIa
16 120001IIa
17 150001IIa
18 160003IIa
19 170001IIa
20 200003IIa
21 00014IIb
22 00032IIb
23 00034IIb
24 000315IIb
25 000321IIb

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