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3,285 records returned (1 - 25 displayed). Click the hyperlinks for detailed information.

ST abcZ (lmo2752) bglA (lmo0319) cat (lmo2785) dapE (lmo0265) dat (lmo1619) ldh (lmo0210) lhkA (lmo1508) CC Lineage
1 3111313CC1I
2 111111215CC2I
3 4443215CC3I
4 12123253CC4I
5 21113317CC5I
6 3993315CC6I
7 5857621CC7II
8 5629531CC8II
9 6564141CC9II
10 31201313CC1I
11 76106121CC11II
12 58576221CC7II
13 761761081ST13II
14 86136521CC14II
15 813136521CC14II
16 5627521CC8II
17 14627521CC8II
18 7615181261CC18II
19 761961241CC19II
20 171336571CC20II
21 77310561CC21II
22 773105131CC21II
23 58576251CC7II
24 58522621CC7II
25 768862781CC121II

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