⛔ Maintenance: A BIGSdb-Pasteur maintenance is scheduled on Monday, April 07th. All services will be offline until late in the evening (Central European Time). During this period, the server and API will be unavailable. Please note that the job submission will be stopped and all unfinished jobs will be killed. Sorry for any inconvenience. If any questions, contact us
Data access policy note: since January 1st, 2025, registration and authentication are mandatory to access all data curated after this date, either via the web interface or via the application programming interface (API authentication help link). Please contact us if you have any questions.
BIGSdb pasteur is now in 1.42.6:
- This release introduces a new plugin that provides a wrapper for ReporTree - Mixão et al. 2023 Genome Med 15:43. See https://bigsdb.readthedocs.io/en/latest/data_analysis/reportree.html for details.
- Version 1.42 improves web-based sequence scanning by showing the position of the first in-frame stop codon for loci defined as 'complete CDS' and adds an option to separate the search for start and stop codons.
More information are available here