Maintenance: A BIGSdb-Pasteur maintenance is scheduled on Monday, April 07th. All services will be offline until late in the evening (Central European Time). During this period, the server and API will be unavailable. Please note that the job submission will be stopped and all unfinished jobs will be killed. Sorry for any inconvenience. If any questions, contact us

Data access policy note: since January 1st, 2025, registration and authentication are mandatory to access all data curated after this date, either via the web interface or via the application programming interface (API authentication help link). Please contact us if you have any questions.

KlebNET Genomic Surveillance Platform

Website for the #KlebNET Genomic Surveillance Platform is now live!

KlebNET-GSP provides the scientific community with a unified genomic surveillance platform with tailored analytics for the Klebsiella pneumoniae species complex (KpSC) wihle developing an international network of scientists involved in Klebsiella research and building capacity in genomics.

Check it out at

Don't forget to explore the News section for coming up events and training workshops, and to subscribe to the klebnet Google Group

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