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Genomic library of Bordetella
© Images : Institut Pasteur & © Design : Institut Pasteur

Genomic library of Bordetella - Bridel et al. preprint has been published in biorXiv!

A unified library of Bordetella genomes has been set-up by merging previously existing Oxford and Pasteur databases, importing genomes from public repositories, and developing harmonized genotyping schemes. A genus-wide cgMLST genotyping scheme was developed and 18 putative novel species found. Specific schemes were developed to define antigenic, virulence and macrolide resistance profiles.

Access the Bordetella genomic library at

The genomic platform provides an expandable resource for unified genotyping of Bordetella strains and will hopefully facilitate collective evolutionary and epidemiological understanding of the reemergence of whooping cough and other Bordetella infections.

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