Download scheme profiles

Schemes are collections of loci. They may be indexed, in which case they have a primary key field that identifies unique combinations of alleles. The following schemes are indexed.

Name Download ProfilesDescriptionCurator(s)Last updated
AbST 102MLST-style typing of the aerobactin locusKat Holt, Federica Palma, Margaret Lam2024-09-16
MLST 8,143The standard 7-gene MLST scheme, initially defined by Diancourt et al. in 2005.Margaret Lam, Kat Holt, Virginie Passet, Carla Rodrigues, Federica Palma, Marit Andrea Klokkhammer Hetland2025-02-17
CbST 82Colibactin typing scheme using allele combinations from the clbABCDEFGHILMNOP loci.Kat Holt, Federica Palma, Margaret Lam2024-04-16
RmST 387rmpA, rmpD & rmpCMargaret Lam2025-02-06
scgMLST629_S 50,056An update of scheme scgMLST initially identified in Bialek-Davenet et al, 2014. This 629-loci scheme is described in Hennart et al, 2021.Federica Palma2025-02-17
SmST 49MLST style typing of salmochelin locusKat Holt, Federica Palma, Margaret Lam2024-04-16
wzi 618This scheme contains a unique gene, wzi. Profiles numbers are identical to wzi alleles, and some of them are linked to capsular types as defined by phenotypic serotyping.Carla Rodrigues, Kat Holt, Virginie Passet, Federica Palma2023-09-04
YbST 607Typing scheme for yersiniabactin virulence operon (ybtS ybtX ybtQ ybtP ybtA irp2 irp1 ybtU ybtT ybtE fyuA).Kat Holt, Federica Palma, Margaret Lam2024-09-16