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Click within the tree to display details of loci belonging to schemes or groups of schemes - clicking a group folder will display the loci for all schemes within the group and any subgroups. Click the nodes to expand/collapse.
- All loci
- Virulence & resistance schemes
- Other schemes
- Aminoglycoside resistance genes
- Beta-lactamase genes
- cgMLST_KpI
- cgMLST_ST258_ST512_ST1199
- cps cluster genes
- Efflux systems and regulators
- Heavy metal resistance genes
- hvK2 multiplex PCR
- otherResistanceGenes
- Quinolone resistance genes
- scgMLST629_S
- scgMLST634
- Species-specific markers
- Urease-Nickel cluster
- Virulence genes
- wzi
- Loci not in schemes