Analysis plugins
Analysis plugins - Jump to: Sequence Similarity | Sequence Comparison | BURST | Locus Explorer
Sequence Similarity
Summary: Find sequences most similar to selected allele
This plugin will return a list of the most similar alleles to a selected allele, along with values for percentage identity, number of mismatches, and number of gaps. Clicking on the link for each returned match will lead to a sequence comparison page, identifying the exact nucleotide/amino acid differences between the query and most similar sequences.

Sequence Comparison
Summary: Display a comparison between two sequences
This shows the nucleotide/amino acid differences between two selected alleles/variants.

Summary: Perform BURST cluster analysis on query results query results
BURST is an algorithm used to group MLST-type data based on a count of the number of profiles that match each other at specified numbers of loci. The analysis is available for both sequence definition database and isolate database schemes that have primary key fields set. Analysis is limited to 1000 or fewer records.

Locus Explorer
Summary: Tool for analysing allele sequences stored for particular locus
This plugin generates a schematic showing the polymorphic sites within a locus, calculate the GC content, codon usage, and generate aligned translated sequences for selected alleles.