GrapeTree: Visualization of genomic relationships

This plugin generates a minimum-spanning tree and visualizes within GrapeTree:
GrapeTree is developed by: Zhemin Zhou (1), Nabil-Fareed Alikhan (1), Martin J. Sergeant (1), Nina Luhmann (1), Cátia Vaz (2,5), Alexandre P. Francisco (2,4), João André Carriço (3) and Mark Achtman (1)
Publication: Zhou at al. (2018) GrapeTree: Visualization of core genomic relationships among 100,000 bacterial pathogens. Genome Res 28:1395-1404.
This tool will generate minimum spanning trees trees from allelic profiles. Please check the loci that you would like to include. Alternatively select one or more schemes to include all loci that are members of the scheme.
Analysis is limited to 10,000 records.