Description of database fields

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field namecommentsdata typeallowed valuesrequiredmaximum length (characters)
idid - primary key integer - yes 6
isolateisolate name text - yes 20
aliasesalternative names for isolatetext (multiple)-no-
referencesPubMed ids that link to publications that describe or include recordinteger (multiple)-no-
duplicate_numberTo be filled by curators only text - no 10
sendersender unique name, link to users integer Click for list of sender ids yes 4
curatorcurator who entered data,link to users integer Click for list of curator ids yes 4
date_entereddate first entered date - yes 10
datestampdate last modified date - yes 10
taxonomic_designationTaxonomic designation text - yes 50
other_name1 text - no 30
other_name2 text - no 15
isolation_year integer - no 4
world_region text
North America
Central America and the Caribbean
South America
Middle East
Antartic region
yes -
country30 text - yes 20
city30 text - no 20
hostenvironment or host text - yes 30
sourceclinical site etc. text - no 100
infectionkind of infection text - no 30
source_lablab source of strain text - no 50
resistance_infoAntimicrobial resistance pattern and/or mechanisms text - no 150
virulence_infoIdentified virulence genes text - no 150
commentsOther comments text - no 150
accession_number text - no 50