Main projects defined in the Corynebacterium cgMLST database

Project idShort descriptionFull descriptionIsolatesDashboardBrowse
3yemen2019Yemen 2017-2020 outbreak50
5cgMLST set-up studyIsolates included in the cgMLST study (publicly-available genomes and some isolates from the French NRC)152
7ResistanceGenomicsHennart et al. 247 isolates dataset247
10New Caledonia 2015-2019 studyIsolates included in the New Caledonia study (Tessier et al., submitted in 2022)58
11SL453 study in 2022See Arcari et al. Microbial Genomics 2023 (IDs 2315 and 2336 were added after publication)28
13OxfordIsolates from former Oxford database678
172022_EuropeanWideReemergence_collectionCollection of the Hoefer et al. study on a large-scale Corynebacterium diphtheriae outbreak among migrant populations in Europe in 2022363
30C. ramonii and C. ulcerans, CanadaCorynebacterium ramonii and C. ulcerans isolates from Canada, Vancouver. Isolates were sequenced with Nanopore R.10.4.1 and genotyped (autotag).16
36Corynebacterium_Nanopore_R10Benchmarking Nanopore R10 sequencing vs Illumina for cgMLST typing349
45cgMLST C. ulcerans set-up studyIsolates included in the cgMLST study for C. ulcerans and C. ramonii (publicly-available genomes and some isolates from the French NRC)618