Publication breakdown of dataset
23 records returned. Click the hyperlinks for detailed information.
PubMed id | Year | Citation | Title | Isolates in database |
34524891 | 2021 | Guglielmini J, Hennart M, Badell E, Toubiana J, Criscuolo A, Brisse S (2021) J Clin Microbiol 59: e0158121 | Genomic Epidemiology and Strain Taxonomy of Corynebacterium diphtheriae. | |
33246485 | 2020 | Hennart M, Panunzi LG, Rodrigues C, Gaday Q, Baines SL, Barros-Pinkelnig M, Carmi-Leroy A, Dazas M, Wehenkel AM, Didelot X, Toubiana J, Badell E, Brisse S (2020) Genome Med 12: 107 | Population genomics and antimicrobial resistance in Corynebacterium diphtheriae. | |
37212056 | 2023 | Graham RMA, Rathnayake IU, Sandhu S, Bhandari M, Taunton C, Fisher V, Hempenstall A, Marquardt T, Jennison AV (2023) Epidemiol Infect [Epub ahead of print]: 1-17 | Genomic analysis of an outbreak of toxin gene bearing Corynebacterium diphtheriae in Northern Queensland, Australia reveals high level of genetic similarity. | |
33268541 | 2021 | Schaeffer J, Huhulescu S, Stoeger A, Allerberger F, Ruppitsch W (2021) J Clin Microbiol 59: | Assessing the Genetic Diversity of Austrian Corynebacterium diphtheriae Clinical Isolates, 2011 to 2019. | |
31748323 | 2020 | Chorlton SD, Ritchie G, Lawson T, Romney MG, Lowe CF (2020) J Clin Microbiol 58: | Whole-Genome Sequencing of Corynebacterium diphtheriae Isolates Recovered from an Inner-City Population Demonstrates the Predominance of a Single Molecular Strain. | |
30509172 | 2018 | Timms VJ, Nguyen T, Crighton T, Yuen M, Sintchenko V (2018) BMC Genomics 19: 869 | Genome-wide comparison of Corynebacterium diphtheriae isolates from Australia identifies differences in the Pan-genomes between respiratory and cutaneous strains. | |
35544196 | 2021 | Badell E, Alharazi A, Criscuolo A, Almoayed KAA, Lefrancq N, Bouchez V, Guglielmini J, Hennart M, Carmi-Leroy A, Zidane N, Pascal-Perrigault M, Lebreton M, Martini H, Salje H, Toubiana J, Dureab F, Dhabaan G, Brisse S (2021) Lancet Microbe 2: e386-e396 | Ongoing diphtheria outbreak in Yemen: a cross-sectional and genomic epidemiology study. | |
33275088 | 2020 | Xiaoli L, Benoliel E, Peng Y, Aneke J, Cassiday PK, Kay M, McKeirnan S, Duchin JS, Kawakami V, Lindquist S, Acosta AM, DeBolt C, Tondella ML, Weigand MR (2020) Microb Genom 6: | Genomic epidemiology of nontoxigenic Corynebacterium diphtheriae from King County, Washington State, USA between July 2018 and May 2019. | |
33298610 | 2021 | Hoefer A, Pampaka D, Herrera-León S, Peiró S, Varona S, López-Perea N, Masa-Calles J, Herrera-León L (2021) J Clin Microbiol 59: | Molecular and Epidemiological Characterization of Toxigenic and Nontoxigenic Corynebacterium diphtheriae, Corynebacterium belfantii, Corynebacterium rouxii, and Corynebacterium ulcerans Isolates Identified in Spain from 2014 to 2019. | |
33686077 | 2021 | Will RC, Ramamurthy T, Sharma NC, Veeraraghavan B, Sangal L, Haldar P, Pragasam AK, Vasudevan K, Kumar D, Das B, Heinz E, Melnikov V, Baker S, Sangal V, Dougan G, Mutreja A (2021) Nat Commun 12: 1500 | Spatiotemporal persistence of multiple, diverse clades and toxins of Corynebacterium diphtheriae. | |
30355399 | 2018 | Dazas M, Badell E, Carmi-Leroy A, Criscuolo A, Brisse S (2018) Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 68: 3826-3831 | Taxonomic status of Corynebacterium diphtheriae biovar Belfanti and proposal of Corynebacterium belfantii sp. nov. | |
28254972 | 2017 | Ahmad N, Hii SY, Mohd Khalid MK, Abd Wahab MA, Hashim R, Tang SN, Liow YL, Hamzah H, Dahalan NA, Seradja V (2017) Genome Announc 5: | First Draft Genome Sequences of Malaysian Clinical Isolates of Corynebacterium diphtheriae. | |
29132312 | 2017 | Grosse-Kock S, Kolodkina V, Schwalbe EC, Blom J, Burkovski A, Hoskisson PA, Brisse S, Smith D, Sutcliffe IC, Titov L, Sangal V (2017) BMC Genomics 18: 873 | Genomic analysis of endemic clones of toxigenic and non-toxigenic Corynebacterium diphtheriae in Belarus during and after the major epidemic in 1990s. | |
27585943 | 2016 | Meinel DM, Kuehl R, Zbinden R, Boskova V, Garzoni C, Fadini D, Dolina M, Blümel B, Weibel T, Tschudin-Sutter S, Widmer AF, Bielicki JA, Dierig A, Heininger U, Konrad R, Berger A, Hinic V, Goldenberger D, Blaich A, Stadler T, Battegay M, Sing A, Egli A (2016) Clin Microbiol Infect 22: 1003.e1-1003.e8 | Outbreak investigation for toxigenic Corynebacterium diphtheriae wound infections in refugees from Northeast Africa and Syria in Switzerland and Germany by whole genome sequencing. | |
30646974 | 2019 | Berger A, Dangel A, Schober T, Schmidbauer B, Konrad R, Marosevic D, Schubert S, Hörmansdorfer S, Ackermann N, Hübner J, Sing A (2019) Euro Surveill 24: | Whole genome sequencing suggests transmission of Corynebacterium diphtheriae-caused cutaneous diphtheria in two siblings, Germany, 2018. | |
4322195 | 1970 | Barksdale L (1970) Bacteriol Rev 34: 378-422 | Corynebacterium diphtheriae and its relatives. | |
28711373 | 2017 | Hong KW, Asmah Hani AW, Nurul Aina Murni CA, Pusparani RR, Chong CK, Verasahib K, Yusoff WNW, Noordin NM, Tee KK, Yin WF, Yu CY, Ang GY, Chan KG (2017) Infect Genet Evol 54: 263-270 | Comparative genomic and phylogenetic analysis of a toxigenic clinical isolate of Corynebacterium diphtheriae strain B-D-16-78 from Malaysia. | |
30174653 | 2018 | Tagini F, Pillonel T, Croxatto A, Bertelli C, Koutsokera A, Lovis A, Greub G (2018) Front Microbiol 9: 1743 | Distinct Genomic Features Characterize Two Clades of Corynebacterium diphtheriae: Proposal of Corynebacterium diphtheriae Subsp. diphtheriae Subsp. nov. and Corynebacterium diphtheriae Subsp. lausannense Subsp. nov. | |
2077824 | 1990 | Striga M, Curković T, Vukas Z (1990) Acta Med Iugosl 44: 521-32 | Combined technique of argon-laser and neodymium-YAG laser photocoagulation for narrow-or closed-angle glaucoma. | |
32772111 | 2021 | Forde BM, Henderson A, Playford EG, Looke D, Henderson BC, Watson C, Steen JA, Sidjabat HE, Laurie G, Muttaiyah S, Nimmo GR, Lampe G, Smith H, Jennison AV, McCall B, Carroll H, Cooper MA, Paterson DL, Beatson SA (2021) Clin Infect Dis 73: e4531-e4538 | Fatal Respiratory Diphtheria Caused by ß-Lactam-Resistant Corynebacterium diphtheriae. | |
22505676 | 2012 | Trost E, Blom J, Soares Sde C, Huang IH, Al-Dilaimi A, Schröder J, Jaenicke S, Dorella FA, Rocha FS, Miyoshi A, Azevedo V, Schneider MP, Silva A, Camello TC, Sabbadini PS, Santos CS, Santos LS, Hirata R, Mattos-Guaraldi AL, Efstratiou A, Schmitt MP, Ton-That H, Tauch A (2012) J Bacteriol 194: 3199-215 | Pangenomic study of Corynebacterium diphtheriae that provides insights into the genomic diversity of pathogenic isolates from cases of classical diphtheria, endocarditis, and pneumonia. | |
15059628 | 2004 | Grimont PA, Grimont F, Efstratiou A, De Zoysa A, Mazurova I, Ruckly C, Lejay-Collin M, Martin-Delautre S, Regnault B (2004) Res Microbiol 155: 162-6 | International nomenclature for Corynebacterium diphtheriae ribotypes. | |
14602910 | 2003 | Cerdeño-Tárraga AM, Efstratiou A, Dover LG, Holden MT, Pallen M, Bentley SD, Besra GS, Churcher C, James KD, De Zoysa A, Chillingworth T, Cronin A, Dowd L, Feltwell T, Hamlin N, Holroyd S, Jagels K, Moule S, Quail MA, Rabbinowitsch E, Rutherford KM, Thomson NR, Unwin L, Whitehead S, Barrell BG, Parkhill J (2003) Nucleic Acids Res 31: 6516-23 | The complete genome sequence and analysis of Corynebacterium diphtheriae NCTC13129. |