The BIGSdb website Policy concerning the platform & data use agreement and the privacy notice of BIGSdb-Pasteur was updated on March 25, 2024. Please consult it before using the platform and the data.

The procedure for submitting data for curation were updated on Mai 03, 2024. Please consult them before making a new submission. If any questions, contact us.


Please submit all data (isolate’s information and sequence data) for allele and types definitions through your BIGSdb-Pasteur submitter account.

Users are requested to submit only high-quality assemblies, generated from pure cultures sequenced at a minimum coverage of 40X. Assembly files consisting of high numbers of contigs (> 600), presenting a cumulative contigs length outside the typical range of Leptospira (3.5-6 Mb) will not be accepted.

Once you are logged in to the Isolates and genomes database, go to SUBMISSIONS to access the submission panel. Choose genomes to upload the assembly files (closed or draft genomes in FASTA format) and isolate information sheet (use the template available there). Fields description is available here to help you to fill out the isolate's template. The submission process is straightforward and takes only a few minutes.

We encourage submission of all isolates of your studies, so that the database would be as representative of the natural populations as possible. Thus, please do not restrict yourself to submitting only isolates that represent new profiles: isolates with already known MLST types are valuable as well.

Once the curation is complete, allele definitions and profiles will be released immediately, as they form the basis for the public nomenclature of genotypes. In the case you would like to ask for an embargo period (e.g. prior to publication), please specify it to the curators in the submission request.


We appreciate if you can recognize our efforts in the acknowledgments section of your publications:

“We thank the Institut Pasteur teams for the curation and maintenance of BIGSdb-Pasteur databases at”.

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