The BIGSdb website Policy concerning the platform & data use agreement and the privacy notice of BIGSdb-Pasteur was updated on March 25, 2024. Please consult it before using the platform and the data.

The procedure for submitting data for curation were updated on Mai 03, 2024. Please consult them before making a new submission. If any questions, contact us.

Register a user account

Create a site-wide account

To set up a new user account please follow the link below:

Register for a site-wide account

Please ensure that you enter a unique username and a valid E-mail address, as account validation details will be sent to this address. Please fill the box with your complete details using proper first letter capitalization of names and full affiliation details, i.e. department, institution, country (avoiding acronyms). This information will appear with any data that you submit.

Register page

After registation, a random password will be generated and sent to the provided E-mail address. You must log in to the site within 60 minutes using this password. You will then be required to change this password and log in again.

Register to specific databases

The site-wide accounts allow you to log in to databases across the site for the purposes of data submission or for accessing protected resources. Once you are logged in, you will need to register your account with a database if you wish to submit data to it via the automated submission system; or you wish to customise its interface or output; or if it is password-protected.

To register for specific databases please follow the link below:

Site-wide account settings page

You will see a list of databases that can be auto-registered, select the database(s) in the Auto-registrations tab and click 'Register'.

Register database
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