The BIGSdb website Policy concerning the platform & data use agreement and the privacy notice of BIGSdb-Pasteur was updated on March 25, 2024. Please consult it before using the platform and the data.

The procedure for submitting data for curation were updated on Mai 03, 2024. Please consult them before making a new submission. If any questions, contact us.



  • Bolt F, Cassiday P, Tondella ML, Dezoysa A, Efstratiou A, Sing A, Zasada A, Bernard K, Guiso N, Badell E, Rosso M-L, Baldwin A, Dowson C. Multilocus sequence typing identifies evidence for recombination and two distinct lineages of Corynebacterium diphtheriae. J Clin Microbiol 2010, 48(11):4177-85. PMID 20844217

core genome MLST

  • Guglielmini J, Hennart M, Badell E, Toubiana J , Criscuolo A, Brisse S. Genomic Epidemiology and Strain Taxonomy of Corynebacterium diphtheriae. J Clin 2021, 8;59(12):e0158121. PMID 34524891
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